Chapter 10 : What the actually fuck just happened? So this just happened. My daughter was telling me about all her friends “spraint” their ankles. I was like perfect! This is a good lesson. Since I’ve torn my ACL, partial tear in my shoulder and have spraint my ankle many times. I explained that they twisted their ankles. Told her the difference between a twist, sprain and a tear. Man it was a thing of beauty. We were on a roll. I brought out props. Explained ligaments, yeah i said ligament. So i put my fist together and had her put her arms across them. Perfect ducking example. She was answering questions, like damn I should have stayed teaching. Side bar to the side bar. I went to get my masters in art education at the College of New Rochelle, for a year. And realized after substitute teaching it wasn’t for me. My Aunt always said “You can’t fake teaching.” And she was right. Love you Didi(The Strongest Person I have ever met, 2,3,4 are a very close framily, **RONALD MC...